Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bam! Minecraft shoes!

I know I shouldn't have delayed this post so long, but I was so busy that it took me longer to get them done that I had planned. 

My inspiration came from these shoes here, Kyozokicks.  About 6 months ago they made their way across my Pinterest and across  It wasn't long after that I decided to do a Minecraft party and had the idea to do my own pair.  I followed this tutorial here, except I used a more puffy type paint.  Little Bro helped me by doing all the gridding, I did the painting. 

They didn't come out nearly as perfect, but I still think they are radical.  J loves them.  He wore them today. 

-Fabric paints in 3 shades of green, and 1 shade of gray/silver, and black
-Popsicle stick
-Can of shoe waterproofer

This was my first time doing anything with shoes, and I am happy with the results.  It wasn't until later that we had a cool surprise when going to bed.  I was glad I could capture a good picture of them later.

Everyone in the house agreed this made the shoes a million times cooler.  If we were ravers we would be so hip happinen'. Or something.  that made me think of this.

Hope you enjoyed!
<3 nik


  1. The original tutorial:

    1. Not sure if you noticed, but I did link this tutorial in the post above. Sadly, it doesn't seem like this link works anymore.

  2. Interested in custom minecraft Converse boy shoes
